What is NFT ?
- Non Fungible Token
- Etherium crypto currency
It is Digital Block chain technology, in which you can create your art(painting,gif, images, videos) convert it into NFT and sold it on NFT (price as you want) , you will earn 10% at every time when it will be sold out to people's
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If you makes unique art , video etc. Then you can mint in NFT. Then it will be locked as patent. All World will consider as Your contain is unique contain in the world if you will submit in NFT.
You can sale it to anyone as your desire price because " art have not specific value like other products".
When your NFT will sales , then you have get 10% value of your NFT contain.
This NFT selling in 67k USD |
Now days NFT on trending,so you must try it.
can I create NFT ?
where to upload nft art ?
(How to create NFT through Meta Mask and Opensea)
Yes, off cours. You can do it easily.
1) You should create your wallet account.
(Most popular is Meta Mask)
Meta Mask |
2) Go on NFT Marketplace (Binance , OpenSea , wazirx etc)
Most popular is OpenSea.
3) Create your account on NFT Marketplace
4) Join your Marketplace to your Wallet (eg. Meta Mask Link with OpenSea)
5) Go on Meta Mask & Upload your created NFT (which is gif, jpg,png, video upto 100mb) on Meta Mask.
6) Give price in which you want to sale .
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How to mint an NFT for free?
1) Go on Meta Mask create & upload Your NFT
2) Choose Polygon as based on Etherium.
3) you will be able to sale your NFT for free.
Is NFT legal?
Yes, it is based on block chain technology , so it can't haked by anyone or NFT is not any fraud.
Create your NFT and Earn Money 🤑.
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